So after the disappointing misadventures of Sock, on Saturday night I cast on a Calorimetry from the Winter Knitty I'd done one over Christmas Break (pictured), in Plymouth Boku Color 01 (Plymouth's version of Kureyon) with the 120 stitches, and another in February, using Boku Color 05 for my little sister in my sorority to give her on the night of Revelations. On that one I used 84 stitches, I think. Thus, I knew the pattern well. I did a little under half that night, some during Initiation and the rest Sunday night. Less than twenty-four hours, probably about two or three actually working on it. It was a comfort knit. Anyone else do that? My comfort knits are Fetching, Calorimetry and squares for my afghan, I think.
I only cast on 88 for this one, and the yarn is Debbie Bliss SoHo color 37507. That's me modeling it. I forgot the bruse on the bridge of my nose was still there. It's a funny story, involving the metal edge at the bottom of the bunk above me and my face. Anyway, I like the Calorimetry with my hair better than hats, because my hair is teh thick, and I wanted one for spring.
In other news, my Starbucks craving was finally appeased. Sonya, Rieddhi and I set off today for some much needed Starbucks and Knitting (the combination is amazing). I spent most of the day doing layout for the litmag, when not in class, and by the time we went I was DYING for caffiene. My only words were: "Starbucks, please Starbucks. Coffee? Coffee? Coffee?"
We decided to take pictures for the knitting club facebook group, and I like them. We're cute little knitters.
Sonya pretending to
work on my afgahn square. She didn't have her knitting with her.
Me, working on my afghan block
I've gotten pretty quick on the Lizard Ridge blocks. I should have this one done by Thursday/Friday-ish, if not sooner. One of my friends is in town, and I'll probably see her tomorrow, and I need to do that whole preparing for class thing.
We're planning a field trip to Knitch next week, which is good because I'm knitting through my stash *gasp, shock*. After this afghan block. (And maybe a scarf....and another afghan block) I'm gonna try socks again. And actually gauge and calculate and stuff. *Mutters angrily about silly gaugeness* Because I want to wear pretty socks.
S0, that's it. Starbucks+Knitting= ultimate stress reliever. Rie and I are planning another exursion later this week.
Oh, and good news. I just found out that my high school just got it's auditorium rebuilt. It was killed in Hurricane Ivan my junior year, so I'm really excited for them, and I talked to my drama teacher for about half an hour and squeed over it.
The pink Calorimetry does look really great with your hair! Both versions are cool -- I'm actually not sure which one I like better ;)
Welcome to blogland! Your writing is terrific. I just started a few days ago myself. For me I think they are ALL "comfort knits"!
I'm new to your blog, but I had to say, your knitting is beautiful!
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