33 has lots of greens and browns in it which reminds me of the Shrek milkshakes that L&V were talking about. I would put in pictures; but my camera is being ridiculous
The Summer Knitty is up, and after Fetching last summer I was very exited, but I've got to say that nothing in this issue really excites me. Chapeau Mariner is cute and I might make Wisp, but can't say that I'd wear it. There seem to be a lot of sock patterns. I like socks, but do we really need so many patterns in the summer issue? Ah well, I guess I'm not very into knitting summery things anyway, and it's not like i really need more on the to-knit list.
Book review then. Non-knitting related. Which is a perfect time to remind you all to sign up for the Official Knitter's Bookswap!

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov.
Lolita is one of those books that you hear about as a classic, but never read. I picked it up partially because of the Sting and the Police song ("Just like the old man in/the book by Nabakov) and the fact that the editor of the litmag at my school's computer wallpaper was a comic of two dinosaurs, who were portraying characters in Lolita. As bookish as I am, I found that I could not read this book for very long sittings at a time. Partially because the book has very long paragraphs and very small spacing; but also because you have to read carefully or you might miss something.
It is not what I was expecting. All I knew of Nabokov was that he was an old Russian guy. I was expecting something set in the nineteenth century à laCrime and Punishment. That's not what I got. I got a fascinating look at the contrast between pre-WWII Europe and post-WWII America; and the changes within. It's also a wonderful psychological study. It's not told by a third person narrator, but by the subject himself. Humbert, the man fascinated with the average teenage girl Dolores Haze ("Lolita") and thus you cannot trust the narrator. Although, it seems to be an unbiased account and he tries to see both sides, the simple fact is it is written as his defense in trial for murder and paedophilia. You forget, though, until the end how untrustworthy he may be.
Nabokov makes sure that the reader is not able to place all blame on Humbert; at least in old Hum's eyes. Lolita is now the term for a fairly sexual promiscuous young girl; and for good reason. You can imagine, though, the psychological effect on her that Humbert doesn't describe.
The literary elements and allusions within the novel are absolutely fantastic; particularly the running parallel to Poe's work: Annabel Lee. Lolita's a work I plan on rereading in the next five or ten years; after I've had more education in literature.
It's definitely worth the read; and don't let the subject turn you off. It's a brilliant novel.
Right now I'm reading Northanger Abbey)
That's all. Pictures when my camera stops hating its batteries. Still no Ravelry invite.
1 comment:
Random comments;
Yay, I knew more Kureyon would come your way shortly :)
Those shrek shakes are darn good!
Summer Knitty doesn't excite me too much either although I might make some lacy socks just to show off my Keen mary janes ... I liked Tara Jon Manning's article though
I remember when that Police song came out, young whippersnapper! :) But I still haven't read Lolita. I did read Northanger Abbey which I think is one of Austen's best.
OK I wrote almost as much as you did, I'll shut up now :)
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