Here goes! The Official Knitter's Book Swap begins! I'm calling it Vol I, because I figure if it works okay we could do it perhaps quarterly, and maybe with themes (YA novel, Chicklit etc), but for this time here's the deal:
1. Pick your favorite book.
2. Email me at lildramatic4760[at]gmail[dot]com by 7:00 PM EDT Thursday, June 14th with the following information:
Email Address:
Actual Address:
Blog/Website URL:
Book Title and Genre (or at least genre):
Genres you absolutely won't read, even if tied down and with the book held in front of your face for two years):
Any Other Information:
3. Pimp this on your blog
4. Attain a copy of the book you're going to send. Make notes in it, draw pictures (not taking away from the text) and include a bookmark if you want (that part's optional.). Besure to prepare a note card and stick it in there identifying yourself so they can let you know they received it and you can chat about the book (not optional!!!)
5. Receive your book recipient by June 16th and be ready to mail your book by the 20th
6. Receive your new book. Alert your swap partner that you have received it so that they don't curse the USPS (or whatever Postal Service, this is international!) for no reason. Read book. Talk about book on blog and such.
Questions answered before you ask them:
Does it matter what kind of book I send?
No, although preferably not a book about knitting. This is a swap between knitters, but not necessarily about knitting. The Friday Night Knitting Club
Do I reveal myself to my partner?
Not before they receive the book. Be sure to include a card (tucked inside the book) with your name or handle, email address and blog so they can let you know what they think of the book!
Will the person I send to send to me?
No. You will receive from someone and send to someone just like any other swap.
Where did this idea come from?
The myriad of swaps out there, particularly the Knitterly Letter Swap.
So do I. I fail at banner making. Anyone want to take up the challenge, comment here.
Look, Erin at Literate Knits made us a pretty button for blogs!!! Yay!

So there we go! Comment with any questions and let other's know what we're doing over here. The more the merrier!!!!!!
4. Attain a copy of your book and make whatever notes you want in it to be sent to another knitter
I don't know what this means?
Thanks Lisa,
I attempted to clarify it. I speak English, really!!
Good idea, Chelsey. I'll have to give this some thought.
BTW ... google "blog banner maker" and you can find some sites that will generate banners for you!
does everyone love my pun? because I love my pun!
Erin, I love your pun, I truly do.
Chelsey, fab idea! I'm absolutely in. Although choosing a book is going to be, gosh, wow. So hard. Clearly more swaps will be needed. :-)
Ooh I stumbled upon this from the purlescence cafe, it sounds fab, I'm in!
I dropped in from Chaos' place. I'll think on a title for a couple of days.
Has anyone received their book yet?
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