This morning I actually slept in. And by that I mean slept through the night until 8:30 when the landscaping outside decided that it hated me. Le sigh. But still, later than I've slept in a while even if was before my 8:42 alarm. Yay Tuesdays and Thursdays when I don't have class until 10:00 and my ride doesn't get here until 9:45.
Got batteries for the camera. I swear I have double As somewhere but they have been stolen by Robin Goodfellow and the other fairies in my room. Speaking of gentle Puck, I have notecards and a plan for my presentation, which means I feel better about posting when I should be working on, you know, schoolwork.
The more I read A Mid-Summer Night's Dream the more I love it. My initial reading of it (my first Shakespeare play) was due to
this book which no one's ever read, and I love more than life. Now it's because I'm just a little bit fairy obsessed.

I mean, look at my purse:
But back to the topic of this post. Today Sonya, Rie and I got Chinese. It was meant to be a bit of an informal knitting club thing because we didn't meet yesterday, but only I had out my knitting, because Sonya had class. Still, the sock likes Chinese.
Here, I google text to find out the addy of the cheapest Chinese place we know of:

Sock + Chinese. And Rieddhi's hand....

Sonya eating yummy food

Sonya and juicebox! I've decided that college brings your food likes back to the age of ten....

And speaking of the sock; here's sock on the Knitting Chair


Miss Violet, I must tell you that last fall when the
Knitty with my darling Lizard Ridge came out I was scared silly. "Maybe some day, when I'm more experienced" I thought. And then I read the pattern. Short rows? I can do that.... maybe. And thus far my only problem has been yarn tangles, since I'm knitting with two ends alternately. Safety pins make my world.
Pictured are Under the Sea and The Secret Garden. Carnivale is in my bag in Sonya's car, so there shall be pics of him when he is retrieved.
Tonight is Real Life Metro over at Tech. I shall probably get odd looks for knitting, but whatever. People at Bible Study have stopped noticing. It helps me focus. I do not put knitting above God, and He knows it. We've talked about it.
I want Starbucks. I need a car like yesterday.....
Oh, and remind me that I never ever want to read the AOL message boards.
This story was up there today and if I saw "Sew her up" or "Catch her and preform a full hysterectomy" one more time I was going to scream. Honestly people, this woman needs help. Be compassionate!!
I'm going to go answer my pen-pal letters and then knit before trekking up to dinner. *wishes she could knit self a car*
PS. You know you're a knitter when your first instinct upon finding out your phone has fallen between your desk and the wall is to attempt to fish it out with a needle. Only when that fails do you move on to a hanger....